Yesterday we had a funeral. Denise's grandmother Naomi
Birchfield passed away early Sunday morning. She was almost 97 years old (would have been in a couple of months). Can you image the things that she had witnessed in her lifetime? I sat and listened to stories of her as told by her family and I was amazed. She remembered troops heading off to fight in WWI. She was in a field (she came from a farming family) and would see troops on trains waving at her as they left home to go fight in the war. Someone mentioned that the train tracks went through their property. Others told about her ability to pick up any stringed instrument and play it. That's really cool. I never got to know her. As long as I have known her....she had always been in the nursing home. Just a shadow of her self. This lady lived a rich life. Experienced wondering things. Even able to experience great-great grandchildren (
I believe this photo to be from last summer (07) around the time of her birthday. Of course you know Carolina......and the other is Aaron.....Denise's father. Aaron really cared for Naomi as if she were his own mother.