Monday, August 20, 2007


Greetings. Some interesting things have happened with Rosie over the past two days. Saturday I was down at the barn cleaning up 'poo' when I noticed her watching me from about 30 feet away. Just earlier I had put her and her mother up in the stall to feed them. I try to get Rosie out and walk her.....treat a wound from earlier (month ago).....and brush her down. I had just finished all of that....let her and her mother (Champagne) out to graze in the field when I noticed Rosie had come back. This may not seem like a big thing....but it is. Rosie hasn't been weened yet from her mother.....she doesn't go anywhere her mother isn't present. Back to the story. Rosie had come back up to the barn by herself. She was very interested in what I was doing. She came right up to me....sniffing around the rake and shovel.....sniffing me. I didn't do much. My normal reaction would be to start petting her.....talking to her. I didn't do anything. I was raking up the 'poo' and scooping it in a pile just outside the barn. She watched for a few minutes then proceeded to walk over to the pile and 'pooed' herself right on the pile. I was so happy and thrilled that she had done this. She then came back over to me and I began petting her and talking to her. She stayed there with me until I left. For some reason.....Champagne likes to use the bathroom right in the walkway of the barn. Rosie had learned that same behavior from her mother.

Yesterday I went down to the barn....same procedure.....put them up in the Rosie out to treat her/walk her/ brush her.......all went well. By the time I got back to the barn, Champagne had finished her food and was ready to be let out. I let them both out. This time Rosie took to running back and forth across the field....she was jumping and kicking....just showing off big time. Champagne had walked off about 50 feet to graze. I was raking and shoveling......Rosie came up to me again. This time.....the goats were around. I didn't hold back this time....I began talking to her and petting her. It was nice. Then I noticed a small goat getting closer and closer.......Rosie lowered her head toward the goat and proceeded to nudge him away from us. It seems that I've got a friend.

It's taken Rosie 3 months to get this comfortable with me. She was born on May 21st....and here it is August 20th. Really makes me appreciate God and His wonders. To me it's amazing!