Tuesday, July 24, 2007


What can I say? I was totally blown away by the Deathly Hallows. It was more than I ever expected. I won't give it away...for anyone who looks to read the book. I will say this.... it's the deepest and most emotionally wrenching of the seven. Everything was settled. No loose ends were left in the end. I expect to go back and re-read the book in the next few weeks.

You should have seen us.......Denise, Carolina and I were on vacation in Blue Ridge Georgia this past weekend. We left out at 11pm last Friday night to go to Wal-mart hoping to get a copy of the book. To me.....Elijay Georgia seems to be pretty secluded and out of the way of 'big cities'.... but there was a line. I was shocked at the number of people who showed up for the book release. Denise and Carolina got in line.....I would like to add that Carolina was such a trooper.....it was late and she was so tired....yet she hung in there. I left them to buy our groceries for the weekend.....as I finished up my list....I saw Denise round the corner and coming down the isle toward me....with a huge smile on her face.....she had gotten us two copies.....there was no sharing with this book. She read her copy in no time at all.....it took me a day longer. It was a nice adventure with a great reward. I recommend the book and the series to anyone.

As for the weekend....we had a wonderful time. My mother, sister and two nephews came to join us at the cabin. I would like to add that the cabin was so beautiful.....with a mountain stream and beautiful scenery. We had a blast. I'll have some pictures in due time.