Friday, May 04, 2007


I guess the point of having a blog is to share with others the 'in's and out's' of our life. Nothing much happens (that I think would be exciting to others). We go to work......get dinner......enjoy each others company for a few hours in the evening......then bed time. But you know what? That's OK with me. A complicated life is....well.....complicated. I like a simple life.

Carolina has taken to playing card games. Hence....the 'Go Fish'. 'War'....'Crazy 8s' and 'Old Maid'.......are all favorites. It's amazing how fast she takes to the games.....she's such a smart girl.
As for the Mrs. and Myself......we enjoy a nice bottle of wine (Reunite') or Muscadine Wine from Wills Creek Winery from time to time. I highly recommend the Muscadine's awesome. We both enjoy working out in the yard.....planting new flowers and bushes. We have a new Crab Apple tree that we planted a few weeks ago.

Carolina is a big part of our lives. Although she doesn't live with us.....most of our (event-based) decisions are made on whether she can be apart or not. She's a fun girl!

My work mostly consists of remodeling and renovations. Denise loves her work with elementary school children. God has really blessed us with a that we both enjoying doing. Last year, my father bought a used automobile dealers license. It's slow right now. I'm not sure where it's going.

As far as church goes.....we're apart of the (former) Anniston Vineyard. I have had a friendship with the pastor for almost 10 years now. There's a lot going on there now. The church is in the process of moving.

This is a little bit of our lives. The older I get....the faster time seems to go by. Weeks go by in a it seems.