Friday, January 09, 2009

The water is going down.
Low lying fields still look mushy.
Rivers are still murky with mud.
Things are getting back to normal.
For a while there it seemed that it wasn't going to stop raining. It's nice now. The pond at my father-in-laws house is full of water. The pasture is pretty soggy right now. The animals are enjoying the sunshine and the freedom to graze. Did you know that goats dislike the rain? Horses don't mind. The ducks love it!
We're both glad it's the weekend. Fridays bring the excitement of a weekend to come. Saturdays are days to be free. Sundays bring rest. Weekends are nice. I wouldn't mind if it didn't rain for a few days......the winter nights are so clear and the air is brisk. It's nice. Enjoy your day! -JGR