Thursday, December 11, 2008

Excerpt from The Torch and The Sword by Rick Joyner

The Torch and The Sword is an account of a Spiritual encounter had by the author. It is a short book, but I learn from it every time I read it. The following is a brief excerpt. The Thomas referred to is Thomas 'a Kempis.

"Thomas was watching me closely and soberly. He then added: 'As you abide in Him and do His will, you begin to flow with His life-force, which is in all of the living. In this way, as we help others to come alive, the life grows in us too. Do not fall to worshiping this life-force; you will only stay on the path of life if you seek the Source of life.' "

"I knew this was another important warning-a trap which many cults and new age movements had fallen into. Even so, I wanted to remember the feeling. I knew that anyone who ever tasted of this life-force would be forever addicted to it, perpetually seeking it like a junky seeks his next fix."

"Thomas, also obviously reading my thoughts, continued. 'There is no intoxication like life itself, but remember that it is still intoxication. Many fall upon even the slightest touch of His Spirit and can become drunk in the Spirit by just a taste of this. However, the priests had to learn to stand and minister even in the presence of His glory. If you yield your body to this life, you will be drunken. If you yield your spirit you will be quickened, strengthened, and see even more clearly. You must train the coming ones not to seek to feel good and not to become intoxicated by this power, but rather to be sobered, able to see clearly and function in their duty. You will have forever to feel good after you have accomplished your purpose.' "
