Monday, July 14, 2008

Fenelon: A Holy Mind

Recently, a friend had written about how she and her group of friends enjoy making one another laugh and how key phrases develop as they spend time together. Things that would not have meaning or be understood by others without explanation. There is nothing wrong with that kind of fellowship. But it reminded me of times when I was a part of a close-knit group like that and we were also good at fencing with words and matching wits with each other. We were so incedibly clever! But God has me in a different place right now, not much fellowship, but lots of seeking and meditating on Him. I had to repent of envying my friend and her group and of contemplating forming my own or becoming a part of someone else's. I am enjoying where God has me, but for an evening that longing for belonging and memories of past times became so intense...

The following morning I picked up my devotional book of Fenelon's writings. I was on chapter eight. This is part of what I read: "There is a great difference between a clever mind, a great mind and a holy mind. The clever mind is pleasing because of its charm. The great mind excites our admiration because of its depth. But only a right spirit can save and make us happy through its constancy and uprightness..."