Saturday, December 08, 2007


SEASONS GREETINGS! I guess you can tell what this blog is about. Yep! Today we put up our Christmas tree. We ended up getting a Douglas Fir. First time I've ever had one. You's quite nice. It's very fragrant and full. I know it's hard to tell from the picture (which I had to take with the flash I wouldn't wake up the girls). You get the general idea of how the tree turned out. We're a bit late getting our tree up......but we're busy folk and the time had not presented itself yet. Today was nice. I started to feel like celebrating the season. We listened to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.......trimmed the tree and had a great time. By the way, I highly recommend TSO for anyone who would be interested in some jazzed up rock and rollin Christmas tunes. Good stuff!'s time to shut down for the night. -JGR