Friday, December 14, 2007


Yep. We've not done any of our shopping yet. That's how busy we've been. But it's cool. I know pretty much what I want to's just a matter of getting there. Denise and I were sitting on the couch watching the news a night or two ago.....and the News Anchor announced that there were only 12 days left to shop. Our eyes got big and we looked at each other in amazement. It just never dawned on us.

This week. I've been trying to wean Rosie. But it's not working out. I bought a product called Eze-Wean. It's really medieval looking. I'll have to get a picture of Rosie with it on. But what I'm learning is there is nothing easy about weaning a horse. I can't feel sorry for Rosie or Champagne......because it's ultimately better for her to be weaned. Why? Champagne can't physically support Rosie's nutritional needs and take care of her own. Champagne is looking really 'poor'. Rosie is almost as big as her mother. Horses are herd animals. There's a really strong bond there between Mare(mother) and Foal(child). It's hard to separate them and watch how they act. But it has to be done. After the mare stops producing milk....then they can be reunited. But until's time to grow up Rosie! I'm not joking when I say that I've learned a lot from Rosie....from day one!

Hopefully it will all work out to get our Christmas shopping done this weekend. Saturday...we're going to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks. I'll let you know how the movie is. Until then.....