Well I'll tell you what's new. It's been a while since my last blog. Rosie was two weeks old and we were about to go on vacation. Now Rosie is 5 weeks old and vacation is long gone. Above is a pic of Carolina on the beach. Vacation week was a nice week. It took me a couple of days to get to where I could relax. I didn't know that I was so wound up........I guess Denise could have told me that! Panama City was a really nice place. Denise and I didn't go to any of the 'touristy' places.....but we did enjoy the beach and salty air. The weather was nice all week long. We did have one storm come up....but it didn't last long. Denise spent a lot of time on the beach sunnin' and in the water. I got to do a lot of fishing. Marnol (my bro'in-law) and 'A' (nephew) went to the pier a couple of times, but no luck. We ended up fishing on the beach at the hotel. The beach was private......so there weren't many people. Plus.....we did our fishing at night. Some nights we had a good catch and some nights...nothing! Here's an example of some of the fish we caught. We had a good catch of baby sharks. Marnol caught a couple of catfish. Most of the time we fought the crabs....who would strip the bait off the hook.
What a ferocious looking shark! This one was about 10 inches long.....I caught another shark that was about 14 inches long. Nothing too big. People were still amazed that we were able to catch sharks from the beach...... nobody really wants to think that there are sharks on the beach....would you want to ? Still....these were small.....give them a few years!
Here's a pic of a sand crab.....it's only about 3 inches long.....looks bigger in the pic. One of the children caught this one night. People would get a net and a flashlight.....walk out on the beach at night and catch these little guys. Besides fishing on the pier and the beach......I was given the opportunity to go deep sea fishing. It was a fun trip. The trip lasted 6 hours....most of which was travel time....about 2 hours out and 2 hours back in......and 2 hours of fishing. Most of the catch was Red Snapper.
The red fish is Red Snapper......the long one on the right is a King Mackerel and the other long one on the left is a shark. These are a lot bigger that what they look. There's almost 80 pounds of fish in the pic! The snapper was easy to catch....basically.....bait the hook.....drop it in the water......the hook was weighted.....let it hit the bottom.....wait a minute and BAM.....you got a fish. They put up a fight. The snappers in the pic are all over 20 inches long each. The guy who caught the mackerel had a huge fight on his hands. All of the fish was cleaned and prepped. We had a huge feast back at the hotel that night. There was enough food to feed everyone. The guy who set up the trip is a chef in Mobile Alabama.......so needless to say........I didn't have to cook and the food was awesome!
When we went deep sea fishing, we had to leave out really early that morning. So I tried to get a pic of the sun coming up as we went out to sea. It was a really nice trip. I didn't even get sick.
Now that things are back to normal.........Denise and I are enjoying life.......and back to work. Carolina was baptised yesterday. That was nice. I was able to video the whole service. She'll appreciate it one day when she's older. She had a birthday while we were on vacation.....she's 6 now. It was nice....because we were all together in Florida on the beach. I'm sorry if this entry was a bit discombobulated.........there was a lot to try to write about. Until next time -JGR