Saturday, May 30, 2009


This week has been a full week.

We've had family in the hospital.
(They're doing well now)

We've had family to graduate.

We've had to travel out of town.
(Ate at the Olive Garden *YuM*)
We've been sick. (We're recovering)

We've worked hard.

We've farmed.

We've suffered loss.

We've been to the movies. (UP was good)

It's been a very full week.

And I'm glad it's over.
A new week begins.

There are somethings that I just don't think about anymore. One of those is High School. When I graduated.......that was the last time that I set foot in that school. I was shocked years later to find out that the school had metal detectors at the entrances. I couldn't believe it. Things change and evolve naturally over time. I think that's good (but maybe not in this case).

I never really kept up with any of my friends from High School. It's been 16 years since my graduation. Wow! Time has flown by. I remember being excited about college. I didn't know what to expect.....other than it had to be better. It was. I enjoyed my college years. So in the spirit of celebrations we CONGRATULATE THE GRADUATES!