You know what's amazing? Ok........permit me for a moment.........I believe in God. I believe in all the miracles of Jesus. I believe in creation. I believe the Word of God. But you know what? I'm still amazed and blown away by God. It's easy to lose touch with God in this world. It's not the worlds fault........not anyones fault but my own. That's the nature of the world we live in. We are surrounded by cares and concerns.......worries and wants. But there's a moment...... when God touches our lives. It may be for just a second or it may last a while. It doesn't have to be a Damascus Road experience for God to change your life......or simply change me. Yesterday.....I had an experience. For a couple of weeks now I have been praying....asking God for a certain amount of money. Well.....yesterday it came. I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't even thinking of my 'need'. (Face it....we're all needy people when it comes to God). You know.....I hate to even mention God and money in the same sentence......but that's just a reality of life. Back to the story. It wasn't so much that I had the was that God had orchestrated the whole scenario. He had thought of me. At that moment....when the money was put into my hand......I knew He was thinking of me. I knew at that moment His eyes were on me. His thoughts were of me. He had heard my prayers and more. More? I felt a connection. I believe that if you're a are always connected with God. The bible even says that His thoughts of you are more numerous than the grains of sand on the shore. That's alot. Too much for me to imagine. But at that moment.......I felt His thought. I felt His gaze. I knew He loved me. It was a reminder.......pure and simple.....a reminder. -JGR