Friday, March 09, 2007


I tend to plan things out in my life based on when I believe the pieces of the puzzle will fall in place. But what happens when stuff happens sooner than expected? Am I ready? I'm starting to see the wisdom in being prepared. I don't mean in a 'fear-based stockin up for the BIG ONE' kind of way. I mean in being diligent with what I've been given to do. A proverb in the Bible tells us to observe the way of the ant. Ants are pretty focused creatures. They have a job and they do it. They don't get out of line or go against the grain. As simple as they are......they fulfill their purpose for the 'good of the whole'. That's not a prominent trait in our society today........or really in my life. I went to a retreat several weeks ago........ I heard a man say something profound: 'Focus on what God has given you to do...and nothing else'. Simple! I know my life is a lot more complicated than an ants.......but the principle is the same. Keep it simple. I think it's easier to be diligent when I don't have 50 things pulling me in 50 different directions. I've been in a process of simplifying my life. By that I mean....clearing out debts.... organizing my business affairs....... keeping up with my 'To-Do' lists...... and so on. I know that might sound a bit boring....but it frees me up to do thing that I want to do. feels good to know that I've accomplished something. my point. Time doesn't stop for anyone. Being a follower of Jesus, I believe that He gives us time to prepare for what He wants to change (or bring into) our lives. When things do change......I want them to change for the better. I want to be ready or at least in a place to handle the change. I don't want to keep traveling around the desert for 40 years...if you know what I mean. Back to the retreat that I went to a few weeks ago. I saw that in life we're given a garden (hypothetically speaking) and we're to tend to the garden. My garden may only be half the size of yours.....but it's still mine and I'm responsible for it. If I'm faithful and diligent to take care of of the garden and not let it go.....then guess what happens? My garden will increase and be abundant. If I don't take care of it.........a big chaotic mess. I look at this as apart of growing up. I still have a ways to go.......but I'm going......kicking and screaming sometimes.....but I'm going. It's not all least life is exciting now. I never know what to expect. And who knew......I would take up gardening! -JGR